Been a while since I posted anything so I thought I would post something. Even though this post is going to be about me rambling on, I hope you'll take the time to read it. Why? I guess, to help me feel like less of an idiot posting it and so that I won't be wasting my time posting it. LOL.. told you it'd be me rambling on!!! :) My birthday is in 5 days and ironically enough I just read a chapter of a book that mentioned someone supposed to be dying in 5 days on their 16th birthday, and by the way I'm turning 16 in 5 days. So, yeah, that was weird that I read that today. Anyways, you probably didn't come to this website to hear about me, the creator of the website, you probably came to it on accident, or came to it to see the art. Well, if you got this website to see the art, I don't think you'd be reading this right now. You'd probably be in the "Photography" section, the "Drawings (drawn by hand)" section, or the "Drawings (drawn on computer)" section, and not here on the "Blog" page. Anyways, it is 10pm, so goodnight world!! :) Blog to you soon! :) PEACE OUT!! :)  :: Please comment on how to improve my website:: Thanks :: 

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